How Can I Install the AutoSurf Web App?

Sign up for a free Alexa Master account on this website. Then, visit the AutoSurf section here to find your AutoSurf URL. You can copy this URL and share it with friends and family who are 18+ years old. This URL can be accessed from anywhere in the world on any device. However, free members are limited to one surf session per IP. Please follow the browser-related guidelines below.

AI Workers and Web Apps

A progressive web app (PWA) requires a worker to manage the browser. In our web apps, this worker connects to a server-side AI that seamlessly controls user sessions. This enables advertisers to maximize their benefits while users claim the highest rewards for their activities. Our AI considers the following:

  • User Permissions

    The web app must be connected to a valid Alexa Master account with a valid Master ID. The user must prove they are a real human (not a bot).

  • User Activities

    Conversions such as clicks, scrolling, filling forms, and downloading are used to identify user activities beneficial for advertisers.

  • Avoid Bots

    Any device that does not display ads will be suspended after a few minutes. The AI prioritizes showing ads to users who comply with advertising policies.

Want to Test Web Apps Before Joining Our Website?

You can easily access our AutoSurf Web App from to try it without registering. Please use Master ID 3 for testing.